The geographical study of the practices, meanings, and processes of belonging: from the body, the house or home, the neighbourhood, the region, the nation, and the global. See Till (1999) Ecumene 6; Zilberg (2004) Landsc. Res. 29, 3 on diasporic geographies of belonging and being; Veronis (2006) Env. Plan A 38, 10 on the way immigrant, ethnic/racial, visible minority groups build identity and community; and Holston and Appadurai (in J. Holston, ed. 1999) on belonging, everyday experiences, and tussles over urban space.
Amster and Lindquist (2005) Asia Pac. J. Anthrop. 6, 1 consider transnational relationships in South-East Asia; Ikeotuonye (2007) SGIR Turin Conf. examines borders, frontiers, and the state’s own image of itself; and M. Joseph (1999) illustrates the emergence of nomadic identity. See Sparke (2006) Pol. Geog. 25, 2 on ‘seemingly unbounded global visions of belonging’.