

单词 Tilsit, Treaties of (7)
Tilsit, Treaties of (7)

World History
  • Agreements between Russia and France, and Prussia and France. Napoleon I, having won the Battle of Friedland, agreed to meet Alexander I on a raft on the River Niemen near the East Prussian town of Tilsit, now Sovetsk in Russia. Their negotiations, joined by Frederick William III of Prussia, led to the two treaties. Prussia lost over a third of its possessions, had to pay heavy indemnities to France, and was forced to support a large French army on its soil. The Polish lands annexed by Prussia under the partitions were turned into a French puppet state, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. Russia recognized the Confederation of the Rhine and was forced to join the Continental System. Prussia rescinded its treaty in 1813 when it deserted the French, following the latter’s invasion of Russia and joined the Russian emperor in a campaign against Napoleon in Germany.





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