

单词 theory

  • See laws, theories, and hypotheses.

  • See laws, theories, and hypotheses.

Chemical Engineering
  • A description of a mathematical, physical, or chemical principle that does not fully cover all of the circumstances and has not fully achieved the incontrovertible status of a law.

  • In logic, a set of sentences that are true under a particular interpretation.

  • 1. With respect to a deductive system L, a set of sentences T such that for all formulae φ, φT if and only if TLφ, i.e., the members of T are precisely its L-consequences. An equivalent definition is that T is an L-theory if and only if T is equal to its own deductive closure, i.e., T=TL.

    2. In model theory for a deductive system L, a set of sentences ThL(M) (the theory of the model M) whose members are precisely those sentences to which M assigns the truth value of 1 (i.e., are true in M) or some other designated value in the semantics for L.

  • In science, a way of looking at a field that is intended to have explanatory and predictive implications. The task for the philosophy of science has often been posed in terms of demarcating good or scientific theories from bad, unscientific ones (see falsifiability, Popper). In the heyday of logical positivism highly formal approaches to theories treated them in terms of axiomatic systems, whose theoretical terms were tightly tied to an observational vocabulary supposed to give a foundation in empirical meaning. A less formal and more contextualized approach heralded in the work of Thomas Kuhn, stressed the open-endedness of scientific activity, the heuristic value of analogies and models, and the elasticity and the holism of meaning, all of which suggested that an excessively formal approach distorted the subject.





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