specializing in statistical inference, whose career was spent in the USA. In 1942, intending to study chemistry, Le Cam arrived at U Clermont-Ferrand to be told that term had started and there was no space in the laboratories—so he studied mathematics instead, graduating in 1944. The next year he studied at U Paris and was then employed on hydrological work determining flood probabilities. In 1950 he met Neyman and moved to UCB, obtaining his PhD (completed in six months) in 1952 and joining the UCB faculty. He was the IMS Wald Lecturer in 1963 and the Institute’s President in 1973. He was elected to AAAS in 1976. See Appendix XI: Honours and Awards for list of the IMS Le Cam Lecturer winners
http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.ss/1009212249 Fuller biography, interview, and photographs.