An equation of wave mechanics which represents wave displacement (ψ) and wave velocity (v) as a function of space and time (t), where space can be represented by rectangular coordinates (x, y, z), such that: v2ψ = (δ2ψ/δx2) + δ2ψ/δy2 + δ2ψ/δz2 = (1/v2)δ2ψ/δt2; or the equation can be represented in spherical coordinates, such that: (1/v2)δ2ψ/δt2 = (1/r2) [δ(r2δψ/r)δr + (1/sin θ)(δ(sin θ × δψ/δΦ)δθ) + (1/sin2 θ)(δ2ψ/δθ2)], where r is the radius, θ the colatitudes, and Φ the longitude.