The process of eliminating existential quantifiers in a sentence in prenex normal form, i.e., a sentence of the form
where each is a quantifier and (the matrix) is quantifier free, by introducing constants and function symbols (so-called Skolem constants and Skolem functions). The process of producing a Skolem normal form of a formula proceeds recursively by applying the following step until no existential quantifiers remain in the formula:
If is not within the scope of any universal quantifier, then is nullary, i.e., a Skolem constant . The formula that ensues after finitely many applications of this scheme is the Skolem normal form of . For example, two applications of the above scheme turns the formula
into its Skolem normal form:
While and are not logically equivalent in classical logic, they are equisatisfiable in the sense that has a model if and only if has a model. Equisatisfiability of and its Skolem normal form is sufficient for the task for which it was defined, i.e., in the proof of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem by its namesake, mathematician Thoralf Skolem (1887–1963), according to which any satisfiable formula has a countable model.