

单词 gyre

  • A circular rotation of surface water currents in an ocean basin. Gyres are the result of prevailing winds, the earth’s rotation, and deflection by land masses, and they occur in all the major oceans. In the northern hemisphere the gyres of the North Pacific and North Atlantic rotate in a clockwise direction, whereas in the southern hemisphere the direction of rotation is anticlockwise. These directional flows exchange warm water from the equator for cooler water from the poles and have a huge impact on the climate of adjoining land masses, as well as regulating temperature, salinity, and nutrients in the oceans.

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • Circular or spiral motion of water, the term usually being applied to a semiclosed current system. A major gyre exists in each of the main ocean basins, centred at about 30° from the equator and displaced towards the western sides of the ocean (‘western intensification’). Gyres are generated mainly by surface winds and move clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere.





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