The scalar triple product of three vectors a, b, and c, is a·(b×c), the scalar product of a with the vector product b×c. It is a scalar quantity and is denoted [a,b,c]. It has the following properties:
(i) [a,b,c] = −[a,c,b].
(ii) [a,b,c] = [b,c,a] = [c,a,b].
(iii) The vectors a, b, and c are linearly dependent if and only if [a,b,c] = 0.
(iv) If a = (a1,a2,a3), etc., then
(v) Let , , and represent a, b and c. Then the parallelepiped with OA, OB, and OC as three of its edges has volume equal to the absolute value of [a,b,c].