

单词 feedforward control
feedforward control

Chemical Engineering
  • A method of process control in which a disturbance is detected before it enters the system for which the controller calculates the required counter-acting disturbance. Process disturbances are measured and compensated for without waiting for a change in the controlled variable to indicate that a disturbance has occurred. Feedforward control is useful where the final controlled variable is not able to be measured. The necessary equations are solved by the controller relating all the process variables, such as steam flow, liquid output temperature, etc., which are usually designated as the process model. Perfect models and controllers are rare so a combination of feedback and feedforward control is more desirable.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • A form of control that is used extensively in practice to reduce the effect on the system output of measurable disturbance inputs. These are disturbances that by means of a sensor can be made available as signals, examples being water, oil, or pneumatic supply pressure variations. In many cases feedforward control can give a dramatic reduction of output deviations from the desired value. In the system shown in the diagram, the extra feedforward link Gf acts to reduce the effect of disturbances D on output C, before it changes C.

    feedforward control

    Feedforward control system





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