A phenomenon occurring when electromagnetic waves or beams of charged particles, such as electrons, encounter either an opaque object or a boundary between two media. The beams are not propagated strictly in straight lines but are bent at the discontinuity. This effect is due to the wave nature of electromagnetic radiation and the de Broglie waves associated with the charged particles. Interference between the diffracted waves produces a diffraction pattern of maxima and minima of intensity; the diffraction pattern produced depends on the size and shape of the object causing the diffraction and the wavelength of the incident radiation. It can be used to investigate crystal structures or surface structures.
Electron and X-ray diffraction are employed to investigate crystal structures, the diffraction pattern produced being dependent on the spacing of the crystal planes. Electron diffraction is used to assess the structure of a crystalline semiconductor material near the surface. Low-energy electron diffraction uses a beam of low-energy electrons incident normal to the surface and the diffraction patterns from the back-scattered electrons are detected. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction uses a high-energy electron beam at a very small grazing angle of incidence. In this case the forward-scattered electrons produce the diffraction pattern. Electron diffraction patterns obtained from transmission electron microscopy can be used to provide information about crystalline materials throughout their bulk but this latter is a time-consuming method and very difficult to interpret.
X-ray diffraction is employed to detect imperfections in semiconductor crystals by means of X-ray topography, using a slit and photographic plate to record a ‘map’ of the slice on a photographic film. Although lateral resolution is of the order of several micrometres the technique is rapid and nondestructive.