advanced performance
advanced persistent threat,APT
advanced placement
advanced plan and schedule
advanced planning and scheduling system
advanced potential
advanced process control system
advanced public transportation system
advanced public transportation system, APTS
advanced public transportation systems
advanced public transport systems
advanced quality planning
Advanced Quantum Mechanics course
Advanced Radio Interferometer between Space and Earth
Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion satellite,Artemis
Advanced Research Projects Agency
advanced rosette
Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics
advanced solid logic technology
Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory
advanced support
advanced technology
advanced technology attachment interface
Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
Advanced Technology Solar Telescope
Advanced Television Systems Committee
Advanced Textile Technology
advanced T/F system
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter experiment
advanced traffic information system
advanced traffic information system, ATIS
advanced traffic management system
advanced traffic management system, ATMS
advanced transaction model
advanced treatment for secondary effluent of municipal sewage
advanced type
advanced vehicle control system
advanced vehicle control system, AVCS
advanced vehicle control systems
advanced vocational school
advanced wastewater treatment
advanced water injection
Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility
advance grouting
Advance Land Observing Satellite
advance of apsidal line
advance of Mercury's perihelion
advance of perihelion
advance of the periastron
advance of the perihelion
advance performance
advance pricing arrangement
advance ruling
Advances in Agronomy
Advances in Psychological Science
Advances In Space Research
advances in tea breeding
Advances in Water Science
advance traffic information system
advance warning system
advancing front approach
advancing mode of working panel
advancing shock front
advancing wave
advancing wave, progressive wave
advantage and disadvantage of space optical astronomy
advantaged drug polymorph
advection cooling fog
advection discretization schemes
advection-dispersion equation
advection-dominated accretion flow
advection equation
advection evaporation fog
advection upstream splitting method
advection upstream splitting method (AUSM)
advective-reflective oscillator
adventitious bud
adventitious bud regeneration
adventitious carbon reference
adventitious root
adventitious root formation
adventitious root of medicinal plants
adventure documentary
adventure game
Adventures in a the Battlefield
Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung
Adventures of the Dialectic
Adventures of Xiaoqiang
adversarial retrieval
adversary doctrine
adversary model
adversary procedure
adversary system
adverse burning in oxygen gun
adverse drug reaction
adverse drug reaction (ADR)
adverse drug reaction monitoring
adverse drug reactions
adverse drug reaction,ADR
adverse effects of blasting control
Adverse event
adverse geological process survey
adverse opinion
Adverse reaction
adverse reaction of Chinese medicinals
adverse selection
adverse selection of medical insurance
adversity makes better writing
advertise design
advertisement dubbing
advertisement marketing
advertisement putting
advertisement recruiting
advertisement standards
Advertising agency
advertising agency
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