

tail circuit talk battery talk path tandem switch tap
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) taps tariff TASI (Time-Assignment Speech Interpolation) TA (Terminal Adapter)
Tbps TB (TeraByte) T-carrier T-carrier TCM (Trellis-Coded Modulation)
TC-PAM (Trellis-Coded Pulse Amplitude Modulation) TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) TCP/IP protocol suite TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) TC (Transmission Convergence) TC (Transmit Clock) TC (Transmit Clock)
TDD TDEA (Triple Data Encryption Algorithm) TDES (Triple Data Encryption Standard) TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) TDM MUX or TDM mux (Time Division Multiplexer)
TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing) TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing) TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing) TD-SCDMA (Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) TE1 (Terminal Equipment 1)
TE2 (Terminal Equipment 2) techie technology technophilia technophobia
TEI (Terminal Endpoint Identifier) Telcordia Technologies Telcordia Technologies telco return telco (telephone company)
telecommunication management network (TMN) telecommunication management network (TMN) telecommunications telecommunications Telecommunications Act of 1996
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Telecommunications Network (TELNET) telecommunications organization (TO) Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)
telecommunications service telecommuter telegram telegraph tele-immersion
telemanagement software telemarketing telemedicine telemetry telephone
telephone telephone Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) telephone number Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
Telephony Services Application Programming Interface (TSAPI) Telepoint teleport teleportation teletype
teletypewriter television (TV) teleworker telewriter telex ( teletypewriter exchange)
TELNET (Telecommunications Network) Telstar tenant services tensile strength ter
ter terabit per second (Tbps) terabyte (TB) terahertz (THz) tera- (T)
tera- (T) terminal terminal adapter (TA) terminal emulation terminal endpoint identifier (TEI)
terminal equipment terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) terminating multiplexer (TM) text text field
texting text messaging textphone text-to-speech (TTS) The Open Group
theory ThickNet thin access point (thin AP) thin AP (thin access point) thin client
ThinNet throughput THz (TeraHertz) TIA TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
tie line tie trunk .tiff .tiff TIFF-F (Tagged Image File Format-Fax)
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