

单词 OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

way, there are 54 words and 406 characters in this definition, including spaces and not including this sentence, or the following sentences in this definition.There are 84 words and 503 characters in the previous definition. Obsessive compulsive disorder comprises 3 words and 30 characters, with spaces. OCD is one word, although it really is not a word, and 3 letters, with no spaces. Personally, I prefer phrases that contain an even number of words and words that contain an even number of letters.Thank you. (By the way, thank you is 2 words of 5 and 3 letters, which is OK because 5 + 3 = 8, which is an even number.) OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

Application software that allows a computer to recognize

printed or written characters, e.g., letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and pictograms using an optical scanner for input. Optical mark recognition (OMR) also employs an optical scanner, but does not employ a character recognition engine. See also OMR.





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