A unary negation operator that matches up with the behaviour of negation in classical logic in an appropriate way. Many conflicting explications of when a negation can be considered ‘classical’ exist but accounts tend to demand that the negation operator behaves in an analogous fashion to the operation of complement in a Boolean algebra. Axiomatic accounts often claim that a negation is classical when it satisfies the principle of excluded middle and principle of explosion:
To this definition, sometimes it is also suggested that a classical negation must satisfy the following form of contraposition:
Semantic definitions of the classicality of a negation frequently identify the truth of a negated formula with the non-truth of the formula it negates, and the failure of truth of a negated formula with the truth of the formula it modifies. In a more perspicuous form, this definition states that a negation is classical (or Boolean) if for all formulae and any model (or whatever stands in for a model in the corresponding semantics),
is true in if and only if is not true in
On this definition, the intuitionistic account of negation is not classical because in the Kripke semantics, there exist occasions in which neither a formula nor its negation are true.