

单词 Markov process
Markov process

  • A stochastic process, X1, X2,…, for which the value taken by the random variable Xm is, for all m>2, independent of X1, X2,…, Xm−2 but may depend on Xm−1. The variable Xm may be described as exhibiting the Markov property. If there is a common finite (or countable) number of possible outcomes for all the X-values then the process is a Markov chain. The term ‘chain’ was used by Markov in his original 1906 description.

    In a discrete-time Markov chain the random variables X1, X2,…are ordered in time. If Xm=r then the process is said to be in state r at time point m. The Markov property implies that the state occupied at time point m is dependent on the state occupied at time point (m−1) but not on the state occupied at any previous time point.

    The probability, pjk, that a chain in state j at any time point will be in state k at the next time point is called the transition probability and is assumed to be unchanging over time. The square matrix, P, in which pjk is the element in the jth row and kth column, is the transition matrix. The elements on each row of P sum to 1.

    If there is a state that, once entered, can never be left, then this is called an absorbing state (or absorbing barrier or trapping state). Such a state will be indicated by a 1 in the leading diagonal of P.

    Denote by pjk(n) the probability that a chain in state j at any time point will be in state k at n time points later (so that pjk=pjk(1)). If pjk(n)>0, for some n, j, and k, then state k is accessible from state j and the two states are communicating states. A Markov chain is irreducible if all states communicate with each other.

    A state is transient if, starting from that state, the probability of ever returning to it is<1; if the probability is equal to 1 then the state is a recurrent state (or persistent state). A recurrent state with a finite expected time until return is called an ergodic state.

    In a stationary chain P(Xm=k) is independent of m for all k. Denoting by pk the probability of being in state k in a stationary chain, this implies thatMarkov processfor all k.

    In a time-reversible stationary chain, the probability of observing a move from state j at time m to state k at time (m+1) is equal to the probability of observing a move from state k at time m to state j at time (m+1):Markov processfor all j and k.

    If s refers to a past time, t to the present time, and u to a future time, then, in a continuous-time Markov chain, the probability of being in state l at time u, given that the process is in state k at time t, is independent of the state occupied at time s. If the transition probabilities depend only on the time lag (ut) rather than on u or t, then the process is a time-homogeneous Markov chain. Examples of continuous-time Markov chains include birth-and-death processes, Brownian motion, queues, random walks, and renewal processes.

    Let Pjk(t) denote the probability that a time-homogeneous Markov chain in state j at time 0 will be in state k at time t. The Chapman–Kolmogorov equation states thatMarkov processfor all j and k and for any s in the interval (0, t).





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