

单词 conjunction

  • The alignment of two celestial bodies within the solar system so that they have the same longitude as seen from the earth. A planet that orbits between the sun and the earth (Venus and Mercury) is in superior conjunction when it is in line with the sun and the earth but on the opposite side of the sun to the earth. It is in inferior conjunction when it lies between the earth and the sun. Conjunction may also occur between two planets or a moon and a planet. Compare opposition.

  • If p and q are statements, then the statement ‘p and q’, denoted by pq, is the conjunction of p and q. For example, if p is ‘It is raining’ and q is ‘It is Monday’, then pq is ‘It is raining and it is Monday’. The conjunction of p and q is true only when p and q are both true, and so the truth table is as follows:


  • The occasion when two Solar System bodies have the same celestial longitude as seen from Earth; the bodies may be a planet and the Sun, two planets, or the Moon and a planet. Superior planets (i.e. those with orbits outside that of the Earth) are at conjunction when they lie directly behind the Sun as seen from Earth. Mercury and Venus, which are closer to the Sun, have two conjunctions; inferior conjunction, when they lie between the Earth and Sun; and superior conjunction, when they lie on the far side of the Sun.

  • A logical expression of the form

    where ∧ is the AND operation. A particular conjunction of interest is the conjunctive normal form (CNF) of a Boolean expression involving n variables, x1, x2,…, xn. Each ai is of the form
    where ∨ is the OR operation and yi is equal to xi or the complement of xi. Reducing expressions to conjunctive normal form provides a ready method of determining the equivalence of two Boolean expressions. See also propositional calculus. Compare disjunction.

  • A binary connective whose truth conditions are taken to mirror the central aspects of the natural language use of the word ‘and’. For example, in many semantic presentations of a conjunction , a condition like the following is included:

    • φψ is true if and only if φ is true and ψ is true.

    While rare, there are some non-classical connectives sometimes construed as conjunction for which the above does not exhaust their truth conditions. For example, the binary connective of fusion—often encountered in relevant logics—has an interpretation as an intensional type of conjunction, in which φψ is read as ‘φ and ψ are mutually compatible’ or ‘φ and ψ are compossible’.

  • The conjunction of two propositions, p, q, is the proposition p & q. It is true if, and only if, each of p, q is true. The medievals were interested in whether there exist different kinds of conjunction subject to a weaker condition, since while a book is a conjunction of the assertions it contains, it seems harsh to say that it is wholly false if one of them is false. See also truth function.





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