

单词 non-normal

  • 1. A property holding of any deductive system with a modal operator that is not normal, that is, a modal logic for which either rule necessitation fails or an instance of the axiom scheme:

    • (φψ)(φψ)


    2. In Kripke semantics for modal logics, describes a type of world w at which formulae are evaluated in an unusual (and perhaps counterintuitive) fashion. Normal worlds are defined as possible worlds at which formulae of the form φ receive the familiar, Leibnizian truth condition:

    • φ is true at w if for all worlds w accessible from w, φ is true at w.

    Modal formulae have different truth conditions at non-normal worlds. Thus, in the semantics for the Lewis systems S2 and S3 a non-normal world w is one at which formulae of the form φ are evaluated by the truth condition:

    • φ is not true at w.

    Non-normal worlds are employed in semantics for non-normal modal logics, explaining their pathological nature. Semantics for many non-normal logics L must provide models serving as counterexamples to rule necessitation. Hence, the possible worlds framework requires a type of world at which φ can fail for some L-theorem φ. Other deductive systems require further deviations from the evaluation of formulae at normal worlds; hence, other related devices, such as impossible worlds and the absurd world, are often referred to as ‘non-normal’.





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