

单词 conceptual process design
conceptual process design

Chemical Engineering
  • A work activity performed by engineers at an early stage to evaluate in broad terms the technical feasibility of new and existing processes, as well as process redesigns based on existing feed materials. The work activity examines the thermodynamic feasibility of process routes and the process variables required, and assesses the broad issues of chemical and process production, which includes information on process costs and material selection. The use of heuristics and process simulation using computers are useful tools to provide rapid information before committing resources to a more detailed design using tools such as computer-aided design (CAD).

    It is important to define the necessary codes and standards to which a design will adhere. This permits effective communication with other engineering disciplines and equipment vendors, and also allows for appreciation of the full extent of the design. Standards commonly used include British Standards Institution, the American National Standards Institute, the American Petroleum Institute, the Deutscher Nornenauschuss, and the International Standards Organization.





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