A soft yellowish metallic element belonging to group 2 (formerly IIA) of the periodic table (see alkaline-earth metals); a.n. 38; r.a.m. 87.62; r.d. 2.6; m.p. 769°C; b.p. 1384°C. The element is found in the minerals strontianite (SrCO3) and celestine (SrSO4). It can be obtained by roasting the ore to give the oxide, followed by reduction with aluminium (i.e. the Goldschmidt process). The element, which is highly reactive, is used in certain alloys and as a vacuum getter. The isotope strontium-90 is present in radioactive fallout (half-life 28 years), and can be metabolized with calcium so that it collects in bone. Strontium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808.
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