

单词 complexity

  • The levels of self-organization of a system. In physical systems, complexity is associated with broken symmetry and the ability of a system to have different states between which it can make phase transitions. It is also associated with having coherence in space over a long range. Examples of complexity include superconductivity, superfluidity, lasers, and ordered phases that arise when a system is driven far from thermal equilibrium (see beˊnard cell). In condensed matter, additional complexity can arise from the interplay of different types of order. Similarly, in the theory of elementary particles beyond the standard model, complexity arises from the interplay between various symmetries and broken symmetries. It is not necessary for a system to have a large number of degrees of freedom in order for complexity to occur. The study of complexity is greatly aided by computers in systems that cannot be described analytically. Complexity is also very important in a number of other fields, including theoretical biology.

  • A measure of the computer time or space required to solve a problem by means of an algorithm of interest, expressed as a function of the dimensions of the problem. If a problem with n dimensions can be solved in at most P(n) time units, where P is a polynomial, then the algorithm is said to have polynomial–time complexity.

  • The ‘ease’ or ‘difficulty’ of solving computational problems, measured in terms of some resource consumed during computation. The resource can be an abstract measure, or something specific like space or time. The analysis of the complexity of computational problems is a very active and large area of research at present and has important practical implications. See also complexity classes, complexity measure.

  • 1. In a recursively constructed language, a measure of the number of applications of formation rules needed to construct a formula φ from atomic formulae. Atomic formulae are judged as having complexity 0, while a conjunction of atomic formulae will have complexity 1, etc.

    2. A measure of the minimal number of alternations of universal and existential quantifiers needed to express the prenex normal form of a unary formula in number theory. If one says that all quantifier-free formulae in the language of arithmetic are Δ0, then one can define the complexity of a formula ψ recursively:

    • A formula ψ is Σn if it is equivalent to a formula φ=x0...xmξ where ξ is Πn1

    • A formula ψ is Πn if it is equivalent to a formula φ=x0...xmξ where ξ is Σn1

    • A formula ψ is Δn if it is both Σn and Πn

    Then we say that a set S is a member of a complexity class if there exists a formula φ(x) of that complexity such that S is defined by φ(x), that is, for all natural numbers n, nS if and only if φ(n) is true in number theory. A set of natural numbers that is a member of one of these classes is known as arithmetical, whence the collection of these sets is known as the arithmetical hierarchy.

  • In geomorphology, a complex system is characterized by nonlinear feedbacks, rather than straightforward relationships between forcing and response. Complex systems spring from nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory and include: self-similarity and (multi) fractals; emergence and self-organization; network analysis; and self-organized criticality. A complex system when interfered with or modified is unable to adjust in a progressive and systematic fashion. Phillips (2003) PPG 27, 1, 3 is a good place to start.





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