

单词 inverse Compton effect
inverse Compton effect

  • The gain in energy of low-energy photons when they are scattered by free electrons of much higher energy. As a consequence, the electrons lose energy. The inverse Compton effect is thought to be important in some processes in astrophysics. See also Compton effect; Greisen–Zatsephin–Kuzmin limit.

  • The gain in energy of a photon when it is struck by a fast-moving electron; also known as inverse Compton scattering or Compton upscattering. The electron passes on a small proportion of its energy to the photon, and the photon’s wavelength decreases. The electron has to suffer a large number of collisions before it loses an appreciable fraction of its energy. It is the opposite of the Compton effect.

  • The gain in energy of low-energy photons when they are scattered by free electrons of much higher energy. As a consequence, the electrons lose energy. See also Compton effect.





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