

单词 intersubstitutivity of provable equivalents
intersubstitutivity of provable equivalents

  • The rule of inference for a deductive system L according to which for any two formulae φ and ψ that are logically equivalent in L, one can replace any instance of φ appearing in a formula with an instance of ψ without loss of generality. Let φLψ represent the sentence

    • φLψ and ψLφ

    and let ξ[ψ/φ] represent any formula ξ in which one or more instances of φ is replaced by an instance of ψ. Then intersubstitutivity can be expressed as

    ξξ[ψ/φ] when φLψ

    While intersubstitutivity is a very natural inference, intersubstitutivity fails in many non-classical logics. In the three-valued logic K3 of Stephen Cole Kleene (1909–1994), for example, the following holds:

    • p¬pK3q¬q

    i.e., p¬p and q¬q are provably equivalent, and

    • ¬(p¬p)K3¬(p¬p)

    holds as well. However, q¬q cannot be substituted for p¬p within the scope of the negation, i.e.,

    • ¬(p¬p)K3¬(q¬q)

    Semantically, this is explained because p may be true in a model while q is a truth value gap, in which case p¬p will be true and q¬q will be a gap. In such a model, ¬(p¬p) will be true although ¬(q¬q) will not.





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