

单词 interglacial

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • Period of warmer climate that separates two glacial periods. Mid-latitude interglacials show a characteristic sequence of vegetation change. Pollen of heathy tundra is replaced in the pollen record by abundant herbaceous pollen, which in turn is replaced by that of boreal and subsequently deciduous forest, including pollen of thermophilous (warmth-loving) species, e.g. Tilia (lime). From this peak the sequence reverses as the trend to colder conditions predominates.

  • A long, distinct period of warmer conditions between glacials when the Earth’s glaciers have shrunk to a smaller area—the present, Holocene, period is an interglacial. Soon (2007) Phys. Geog. 28, 2 argues that the persistence of insolation forcing at key seasons and geographical locations, taken with closely related thermal, hydrological, and cryospheric changes, suffice to explain transitions in paleoclimates.





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