

单词 game theory
game theory

  • A theory that deals with the determination of the optimal strategies for each of the players in a game with well-defined rules. In a typical scenario, two players, A and B, are playing a game. Player A is required to make a decision in ignorance of a simultaneous decision made by player B. The outcome is a consequence of the two decisions. In a zero-sum game A wins what B loses. Many real-life situations can be modelled in game-theoretic terms. The rules used by the players to determine their strategies are called decision rules.

  • A mathematical theory of decision-making by participants with conflicting interests in a competitive situation, originated by Emile Borel in 1921 and rigorously established by John von Neumann in 1928. The theory attempts to gain insights into economic situations by isolating these aspects, which occur in their simplest form in games of strategy.

    In a two-player game, as defined by the theory, each participant has a choice of plays for which there are several possible outcomes, gains or losses, depending on the opponent’s choice. An optimum strategy states the relative frequency with which a player’s choices should be used, so as to maximize his average gain (or minimize his average loss). The problem of determining the optimum strategy can be formulated as a problem in linear programming. Generalizations to n-person games are included in the theory.

  • A branch of mathematics that predicts the outcomes of interactions between ‘players’ according to the costs and benefits of the strategy each player employs. Although originally developed to elucidate problems in economics, game theory is used in evolutionary biology to study behavioural strategies among animal populations, such as confrontation, cooperation, and altruism, and how these evolve. Organisms expend energy (a ‘cost’) to acquire resources (a ‘benefit’) from their surroundings. The net gain or loss of such an interaction is the payoff, and different strategies result in different payoffs. Game theory enables mathematical modelling of such interactions to predict outcomes and how the different strategies might affect reproductive fitness of individuals in the population and through subsequent generations.

  • Game theory models ideas of rational choice in conditions of interdependent decision-making, that is, situations in which the decision of one actor is dependent on the decisions of the other players, and vice versa. The fates of the players are mutually implicated in this way. In geography, game theory is often used to overcome or outwit the environment. A. Dinar et al. (2008) apply game theory to real-life issues in natural resources and the environment. See also Levinson (2005) Transp. Res. A 39 on congestion pricing theory.

  • The mathematical theory of situations in which two or more players have a choice of decisions (strategies); where the outcome depends on all the strategies; and where each player has a set of preferences defined over the outcomes. The extent to which human social interactions are well modelled by game theory can be controversial, one difference being that in the theory the structure of the game is usually an external given, whereas human beings typically have a choice about which cooperative or competitive ventures to join, and which kinds of partner in them to select or trust. See also convention, Nash equilibrium, prisoners’ dilemma.

    http://www.univie.ac.at/virtuallabs/ An online tutorial on game theory and its applications

    http://www.gametheory.net/ A list of internet resources on game theory

  • The analysis of strategic situations in which the actions of one agent affect the pay-off received by another. This leads to strategic interaction in decision-making. Game theory provides a means of formally modelling strategic interaction. The key elements of the modelling are the objectives, strategies, and information of each agent, and a concept of equilibrium for the game. Useful distinctions can be made between one-off games and repeated games, where reputation established through earlier rounds of the game affects the conduct of subsequent ones; and between zero-sum games, where the game affects only the distribution of a given total of resources, positive-sum games, where some players can gain more than others lose, and negative-sum games, such as fighting over resources, where the interaction itself can decrease the amount available to be shared. Game theory is one of the key tools of economic analysis.





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