1. A property that corresponds to a sentence in a formal language that can be captured in a first-order language, that is
Some of the simplest first-order properties in classical logic are those corresponding to models with elements for a natural number . For example, the property that holds of models with precisely three elements can be captured by the sentence of first-order logic with identity:
Examples of properties not first-order in classical logic include ‘ has finitely many elements’ and ‘ has many elements’ for an infinite cardinal . In first-order classical logic, there exists no sentence that is made true in all and only models with finite domains and by the upward Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, if has a model of size , then it has models of size for all .
2. A property for which there exists a formula such that in any model and elements in its domain,
Properties that are first-order in this sense are sometimes referred to as firstorderizable.