The minimum speed needed by a space vehicle, rocket, etc., to escape from the gravitational field of the earth, moon, or other celestial body. The gravitational force between a rocket of mass m and a celestial body of mass M and radius r is MmG/r2 (see Newton’s law of gravitation). Therefore the gravitational potential energy of the rocket with respect to its possible position very far from the celestial body on which it is resting can be shown to be –GmM/r, assuming (by convention) that the potential energy is zero at an infinite distance from the celestial body. If the rocket is to escape from the gravitational field it must have a kinetic energy that exceeds this potential energy, i.e. the kinetic energy mv2/2 must be greater than MmG/r, or v > √(2MG/r). This is the value of the escape velocity. Inserting numerical values for the earth and moon into this relationship gives an escape velocity from the earth of 11 200 m s−1 and from the moon of 2370 m s−1.