The home as a distinct, private, space. It may be produced through the inhabitants’ possessions (see Rose (2003) TIBG 28, 1 on postcards, and Brace (2007) AAAG 97, 1 on the ‘temperance household’), or through capitalist and patriarchal reproduction. Lau (2006) Mod. Asian Studs 40 argues that the division of domestic space within South Asian households reflects the social status of women. Halford (2006) Gender, Work, Organiz. 13, 4 argues that, in the modern Western world, the construction of fatherhood has been underpinned by the spatial separations of work/home, of public/private. Jepson (2005) Antipode 37, 4 chronicles how Mexican-American women in South Texas changed a domesticated space into one of empowerment. ‘The apartheid system dichotomized physical space into masculine and feminine categories, marginalizing the feminine. Urban and public space is masculine while rural and domestic space is feminine. Only men who were economically productive were permitted in urban work spaces, and the associated housing system. Women were relegated to the inferior physical and social space of the homelands where they were expected to farm, raise children, and care for the sick and elderly’ (G. Elder 2003).