

spectacle frame spectacle stone spectator ion spectral bandwidth spectral centroid
spectral characteristic spectral classification spectral color spectral density spectral dimension
spectral directional reflectance factor spectral emissivity spectral energy distribution spectral extinction spectral factorization
spectral function spectral hygrometer spectral irradiance spectral line spectral locus
spectral luminosity classification spectral luminous efficacy spectral luminous efficiency spectral measure spectral photography
spectral pyrometer spectral radiance spectral radiance factor spectral radius spectral reflectance
spectral regions spectral response spectral selective photoelectric effect spectral sensitivity spectral series
spectral-shift reactor spectral temperature spectral theorems spectral transmission spectral type
Spectra Pritchard photometer spectrobolometer spectrofluorometer spectrogram spectrograph
spectrography spectroheliocinematograph spectroheliogram spectroheliograph spectrohelioscope
spectrometer spectrometry spectrophone spectrophotometer spectrophotometric titration
spectrophotometry spectropolarimeter spectropyrheliometer spectroscope spectroscopic binary star
spectroscopic displacement law spectroscopic parallax spectroscopic splitting factor spectroscopy spectrum
spectrum analysis spectrum analyzer spectrum level spectrum line spectrum locus
spectrum of turbulence spectrum-selectivity characteristic spectrum signature spectrum signature analysis spectrum variable
specular hematite specular iron specularite specular reflection specular reflection factor
specular reflection model specular reflector specular surface specular transmittance speculum
speculum alloy speech speech amplifier speech bandwidth speech clipper
speech clipping speech coil speech compression speech frequency speech intelligibility
speech interference level speech interpolation speech inverter speech recognition speech scrambler
speech synthesis speed speed circle speed cone speed control
speed-course-latitude error speed density metering speed error speed-in speed lathe
speed-length ratio speed line speed made good speed-matching buffer speed of advance
speed of light speed of response speed of sound speed of travel speedometer
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