

单词 characteristic function
释义 characteristic function
[´kar·ik·tǝ`ris·tik `fǝŋk·shǝn]
1. The function χA defined for any subset A of a set by setting χA = (x ) = 1 if x is in A and χA = (x ) 0 if x is not in A. Also known as indicator function.
2. See <<eigenfunction>>
A function, such as the point characteristic function or the principal function, which is the integral of some property of an optical or mechanical system over time or over the path followed by the system, and whose value for a path actually followed by a system is a maximum or a minimum with respect to nearby paths with the same end points.
A function that uniquely defines a probability distribution; it is equal to √(2π) times the Fourier transform of the frequency function of the distribution.




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