

Ahn Sung-ki A-homomorphism A Horizontal View of the Country A House That Opens Tomorrow AHP
AHPND Ahrens Ahrens prism AHRS A. H. Schoenfeld
A. H. Schoenfeld (1947—) A Hundred Tales by the Pine Window A Hundred Years of Hong Kong's Cinema and Television Industry A Hunter Meets His True Love Ahura Mazda
ah uruq A. Hurwitz A. Hurwitz (1859—1919) AHVC A. H. Wilson
a hypothesis that the initials niang and ri belong to the ni in old Chinese a hypothesis that there are complex consonants in old Chinese a hypothesis that there are no labiodental in old Chinese a hypothesis that there are no laminals in old Chinese a hypothesis that there are voiceless nasal and lateral in old Chinese
a hypothesis that there is no departing tone category in old Chinese a hypothesis that the yu initial at the fourth division belongs to the ding initial in old Chinese a hypothesis that the yu initial at the third division belongs to the xia initial in old Chinese a hypothesis that tonal distinctions are merged in old Chinese verses A. H. 威尔逊
AI AIAA AIB AIBD Aibi Hu Wetland National Nature Reserve
AIChE Journal Aichi Biodiversity Targets Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum AIC准则 AID
AIDA Aida AIDA Model Aida Yasuaki Aida Yasuaki (1747—1817)
AIDA模型 aid climbing AIDD aides and staff aides under military prefecture commander
aids to navigation Aids to Reflection AIE aiea morning glory AIED
AIE polymer AIF Ai Feng aifu nuangong pill Aigun
Ai Guoxiang AIHA Ai Hansong AIHTC Aihui Qu
AIIB AIJ Aijiao chicken Aijiashanian Stage Ai Jinmei
Ai Joseph Wei Aiken Aikido Aila Meriluoto ailanthus silk
Ailao People Ailao Shan Ailao Shan Guojiaji Ziran Baohuqu Ailaoshan-Red river tectonic belt Ailao Tribe
aileron Aili Garden Ai Liya Aille Koye bauxite deposit AIM
aim AIMAC Aimaks aimant A. I. Markushevich
A. I. Markushevich (1908—1979) AIMC aimed fishing aiming aiming distance
aiming eqiupment on submarine Aimin Qu Aimitsu AIMME or AIME aim of teacher education
Aimo Kaarlo Cajande A Imposition of man-powered AIMS Aimyrlyg Cemetery AIN
Ain Aina Jushi Ain al Rami A Index of Folktale Types Ain Ghazal
Aini Sadriddin A-integrable A-integrable function A-integral Ainu
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