

activated carbon for liquid adsorption activated carbon method activated charcoal activated charcoal granules activated charcoal purity process
activated clay activated complex activated complex theory activated-complex theory activated controlled polycondensation
activated hopping activated monomer activated partial thromboplastin time activated polycondensation activated sludge bioreactor
activated sludge method activated sludge microorganism activated sludge process activated T cell-autonomous death activated T cell-autonomous death (ACAD)
activated tunneling activate primitive Activating events- Beliefs- Consequences therapy activating group activation
activation analysis activation coefficient activation controlled reaction activation cross section activation cross-section
activation detector activation domain activation energy activation energy at 0 K activation energy of elementary reaction
activation energy of reaction activation function activation grafting activation induced cell death,AICD activation-inhibition model
activation of mineral flotation activation of p-type GaN activation of soil enzyme activation of zymogen activation overpotential
activation polarization activation volume activation volume of mineral activator activator adjustment
active active absorption active adaptation active agent active aging
active algorithm active alloy process active aluminum active antenna active area
active army of laborers active articulator active atmospheric remote sensing active atom active attack
active aurora active autofocusing active backplane active binary active bio-fertilizer
active block theory active brazing active bridge active carbon active carbon; activated charcoal
active carbon fiber active carbon filter medium active carbon trap active cavity active cavity radiometer
active center active center of gravity control active centre active chromosphere active chromosphere binary
active chromosphere region active chromosphere star active city center zone active class active clearance control
active collision avoidance control active comet active complex active component active components of aquatic products
active components of forage extract active compressional basin active cone scanning radar homing guidance active conformation active constraint
active continental margin active contour model active control active controller active control of the distributed energy system
active control technology active corona active current active database active day
active decision support system active defense active deposit active detector active device
active-device active dictionary active dimensions of fuel plate active dipole active disassembly
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