

A Better Tomorrow abeyance abfarad ABFB AB flux
ABFs litteratur-och kulturstipendium ABFTA A. Bhattacharyya A. Bhattacharyya (1915—1996) abhenry
abhesive Abhidarma School Abhidhammattha-sangaha Abhidharmakośa-śāstra Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣa-śāstra
Abhinavagupta Abhisheka abhomotopy abhomotopy group Abhyankar
Abhyankar conjecture ABI Abia State Abibigromma Theatre Group abichite
Abidjan abienol abies balsam Abies Evergreen Needleleaf Forest Abies georgei EvergreenNeedleleaf Forest
abietane abietic acid abietyl Abigail’s Party A Big Bang from the Oriental: Documentary of China's Two Bombs and One Satellite
Abijatta-Shalla National Park Abilio Augusto Monteiro Duarte abilities of sexual communication ability ability and aptitude card sorts
ability assessment of the elderly ability construction of agrometeorological disaster reduction ability modernization ability of activity of daily living ability of instrumental activity of daily living
ability-task analysis Ability test ability test ability to appreciate the criminality ability to conform behavior
ability to defend oneself against sexual abuse A-bimodule A Bing Abinit ab initio calculation
ab initio calculation of nuclear structure ab initio crystal structure determination ab initio method ab initio molecular dynamics ab initio multiple spawning method
ab initio multiple spawning method (AIMS) ab initio protein structure prediction ab-initio quasiatomic minimal basis-set orbitals ab-initio quasiatomic minimal basis-set orbitals, QUAMBO ab inito
Abinit软件包 abiochemistry abiogenesis abiogenic fluids abiogenic gas
A Biographical Chronicle of Tang Xianzu A Biographical Novel of Yu Qian A Biographical Record of Jiading Calligraphers, Painters and Seal Engravers A Biographic Dictionary of Chinese Artists A Biography of Mr.Gong Weichang
A Biography of Mr. Molt-Pure A Biography of Xu Hanming A Biography of Yue Fei A Biography of Zhao Kuangyin a biomedical model of disability
abiotic factor abiotic stress tolerance breeding for forage plants A Bird Perches on the Ripe Fruit Branch Abirewa Movement A birth of the role
Abish Ketilbayev ABJ anomaly ABJM theory ABJM理论 ABJ反常
A. B. Kempe A. B. Kempe (1849—1922) abkhazite ABL a black-lacquer case with a mother-of-pearl inlay picture of Children at Play
ablation ablation age ablation area of glacier ablation cooling ablation property of ceramics
ablation rate ablation resistant composites ablation stabilization ablative material ablative polymer
ablative thermal protection coating ablator ablaze Ablesimov Aleksander Onisimovich A Blizzard-favored Marriage
A. Bloch A. Bloch (1893—1948) ABM abmho abmortal
ABM state ABM态 abnormal abnormal absorption abnormal axial displacement of the host
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