crime of destroying evidence,forgery and obstruction of testimony by the defender or the agent of a lawsuit
crime of destroying evidence,forgery and obstruction of testimony by the defender or the agent of a lawsuit Encyclopedia
法学妨害社会管理秩序罪释 crime of destroying evidence,forgery and obstruction of testimony by the defender or the agent of a lawsuit辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪 《中华人民共和国刑法》规定的妨害司法罪的一种,指在刑事诉讼中,辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭、伪造证据,帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据,威胁、引诱证人违背事实改变证言或者作伪证的行为。