United Nations General Assembly Resolutions of "Large Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and its Impact on the Living Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas "
United Nations General Assembly Resolutions of "Large Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and its Impact on the Living Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas " Encyclopedia
农学联合国大会《关于禁止在公海使用大型流网的决议》释 United Nations General Assembly Resolutions of "Large Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and its Impact on the Living Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas "联合国大会《关于禁止在公海使用大型流网的决议》 联合国大会《关于大型大洋性流网捕鱼作业及其对世界大洋和海的海洋生物资源的影响》决议中有关公海使用大型流网的相关内容。